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I'm here to help bridge the gap
what your child is delivering
& what you know they are capable of

At the end of the day, you want to feel confident you’ve done everything possible to set your child up for success.

Not knowing exactly what is holding them back, should NOT be what stands in your way –& we’re not just talking about “good grades" because there is much more to life.


If this resonates & the thought of untapped potential makes you cringe too ...

I’m glad you’re here.

I'm Emily.

As a speech-language pathologist with over
9 years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand the frustrations of students & parents facing limited support for learning differences & independence challenges. 

Many students’ needs don’t fit neatly into traditional systems & programs–leaving a significant group misunderstood 
& unsupported.

I started with a plan to specialize in helping middle & high school students with academic challenges related to reading, writing, & language difficulties. Along the way, I learned how essential executive functioning is to developing these skills & my services naturally expanded to meet related needs.


The mission is simple, provide students, their parents & caregivers with tools to address immediate needs while nurturing lifelong success & well-being because they deserve it.
And thinking broadly … the world will be better for it.

Emily Artuso, Learning & Executive Function SLP

From enhancing learning & academic performance
to fostering skills for independence,

I draw upon my education & experience

to provide personalized support by, 

01| Listening to your experiences, questions, & goals & matching you with the service suited to your needs. 

02| Learning about the nature of the challenge at hand through varying degress of investigation.​​

03| Leveraging what we've learned & what we know is true about the brain's ability to change to make real & lasting impacts on learning, productivity, & your peace of mind. 

Where to next?

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